Three Routine Questions About Personal Injury Lawsuits Answered

Personal injury lawsuits can be an unfortunate matter that you might need to pursue if you have been injured or suffered damages from the actions of another person. Sadly, it can be difficult for a plaintiff to make sound choices when it concerns these matters due to a lack of experience. By making sure that you are familiar with the answers to some fairly routine questions, you will be better able to make informed legal decisions.

What Happens When A Case Is Mediated?

Many individuals may be under the impression that their lawsuit will always be resolved through a trial. However, it is common for some courts to ask that people attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation.

During mediation, a professional will work with both sides of the dispute to help them come to a mutually agreeable solution. This is done through the mediator acting as a referee and guide for the negotiations. In instances where the two sides are extremely combative, it is possible to separate the parties and have the mediator act as a messenger. In the event that a successful resolution is not found, the case will be scheduled for a trial.

How Do You Proceed If You Lose The Case?

In instances where the judge or jury did not rule in your favor, it is important to realize that there may still be options for you to pursue. Often, the next step is to file an appeal with a higher court. Appeals are essentially arguments that the lower court made mistakes that significantly altered the outcome of the case or misinterpreted the law in a significant way. This is done through a series of written briefs that will be prepared and filed by your attorney. While there is no guarantee that an appeal will be successful, it may be the only option for those that lose their original trial.

Are There Actions You Can Take When The Defendant Fails To Pay The Awarded Settlement?

It can be a common concern among some people about the defendant failing to pay the award. Fortunately, you should be aware that the courts have a number of powers that they can use to force the other party to pay. In particular, wage garnishments can be a common and effective option for forcing payment of a verdict. Also, there are some states that will allow liens to be placed on the defendant's home, and failing to pay can cause the home to be foreclosed and liquidated.
