Tackling Child Transfers While You Are Separated

Many married couples enter into a trial separation period before filing for divorce. This separation gives each spouse time to consider whether or not making the marriage work is a priority without being forced to confront the other spouse on a daily basis. If you are separated and have children, it's important that you and your spouse both maintain visitation rights throughout the separation period.

Transferring children can be stressful, but here are three things you can do to ensure your child transfers go smoothly in the future.

1. Adhere to a strict schedule.

When it comes to transferring your children to your spouse's care, it's important that you make it a point to be on time for each transfer. Not only will timeliness reduce the amount of stress and anxiety you feel in the moment, but being on time for each transfer will establish a pattern of responsibility that could work in your favor during a future custody dispute.

Your spouse's attorney could use late or failed transfers against you during divorce proceedings, so protect your access to future custody rights by adhering to a strict transfer schedule.

2. Always keep interactions with your spouse civil.

Although you will likely have a lot to talk about as you work through your marital problems with your spouse, bringing up these issues during custody transfers is never a wise idea.

Instigating arguments in front of your children or disrespecting your spouse while your children are watching can come back to haunt you during a custody dispute in the future. It's best to treat your spouse with respect and civility during transfers and save serious discussions about important marital problems for a more intimate setting.

3. Make sure your transfers are in public places.

Since the actions taken by each spouse during custody transfers can play a critical role in helping a judge determine which spouse will be granted custody rights, it's best to always have witnesses when you are handing your kids off to your spouse.

Scheduling to meet your spouse in a public area for custody transfers not only ensures that you will have witnesses to call upon if you need to prove that you handled transfers in a mature manner, but being in a public space can encourage mature behavior as well.

Don't let bad decisions regarding child transfers during a separation jeopardize your legal rights to custody during a divorce. Maintain a strict schedule, be civil, and exchange children in a public space to make your transfers more successful.

For more information, consult a family law attorney.
