Personal Injury Medical Terminology You Should Know

When it comes to medical negligence or medial personal injury cases, there are certain terms used that can throw you off. The more you know about the case, the more you can help your lawyer win. Here are the main medical terminologies you'll need to know for a personal injury case.

Herniated Discs

This is a back injury that usually occurs in automobile accidents and slip/fall cases. The spine is made up of discs in between the vertebrae. Herniated discs are when these discs are damaged during the accident.

Some herniated discs can lead to surgery, although the majority don't. There are cases where people live with the problem for years, but others experience pain and weakness right away.


Acute problems occur quickly and for a short timeframe. In some cases, they will only last a few days or weeks. That doesn't mean they weren't painful, of course! They may have taken you out of work for that whole time.

Comminuted and Compound Fractures

These are two different types of fractures that can occur. You've likely heard of compound fractures more, which is when the bone breaks through the skin and is visible.

Comminuted fractures happen within the body. They are when the bones are splintered or crushed and will need an x-ray to officially diagnose them.

It is also possible to have complete and partial fractures, which is when the bones fully or partially break respectively. Some fractures need surgery to repair.

Traumatic Brain Injury

This is when the trauma—also known as the incident—affects the brain and causes an injury. It is common with sudden head movement or damage to the head through force. Some traumatic head injuries will require immediate treatment, and can lead to other serious complications, including paralysis. These types of injuries can also lead to memory loss, confusion, and permanent mental disabilities.

To diagnose some traumatic brain injuries, doctors will take patients for brain tests. These include MRI and CAT scans, which are the names given to the machines used to get a clear picture of the brain and activity.


This is the name given to someone who suffers the loss of a body part. It could be due to the accident or surgery afterwards. It is mostly given to those who lose limbs, but it includes ears, eyes, and other similar parts. There are times that dismembered parts can be reattached, but a person may suffer weakness or issues with it later.

By knowing the terminology, you can be more prepared for your court case. You'll also understand what your lawyer is discussing when working on settlements and pushing for full compensation.
