Divorce Approaches Your Lawyer May Recommend

Contrary to what most people think, not every couple runs to the courtyard when their marriage ends in divorce. Therefore, if your marriage is over, you might want to consider approaches that can simplify the process and cause less stress to you, your spouse, and your kids. Depending on the situation, your divorce attorney can suggest a collaborative, mediation, or legal divorce, which will help expedite a more peaceful and pocket-friendly separation from your mate. The following are some divorce options to consider.


This type of divorce will allow you and your spouse to choose what is good for yourselves and, more essentially, your kids. Here, you will meet and discuss the separation with third-party individuals. They will help you objectively address disputes in your divorce so as to end things more cordially. That includes issues regarding taxes, child custody and parenting time, asset distribution, retirement, and child upkeep. Remember to speak with a divorce lawyer to ensure the contract favors both parties. Once it is confirmed, the separation becomes legal.

Collaborative Divorce

This is a divorce approach where the two of you, together with your legal representation, meet and try to agree on every aspect of the divorce. The primary advantage of this type of divorce is that you have a chance of setting the terms of the contract, and the solutions can be reached faster. 

Even so, not everyone chooses this divorce option. However, if you are ready to part with all the exhausting court processes, engage a divorce attorney. Once terms are agreed upon, your legal representation will submit the ultimate agreement to the judge to finalize the separation. 

Lawyer Driven Divorce

In a lawyer-driven separation, you will have to get legal representation to complete the entire process. Unlike arbitration divorce, where the mediators are impartial and represent both parties, a divorce attorney will represent you as a client. Their job entails advocating for you to get the most positive outcome. For example, your lawyer and your spouse's attorney can opt for an out-of-court agreement, although the final mediator of the case will be a judge. 

Divorce can take a financial and emotional toll on you and your loved ones. But this doesn't have to be the case. Your divorce lawyer will help you choose a divorce approach. That way, you will reduce the stress of the separation on your kids and offer them a less strenuous transition to the next phase.
