5 Legal Matters A Divorce Attorney Can Help You Handle

Petitioning for divorce can be a complex process. Things can also get confusing if you are the respondent rather than the petitioner in a divorce case. If you miss a deadline or fail to complete the paperwork correctly, it can jeopardize your case. Also, you may not know which matters you can address without legal help. As such, it is wise to consult a divorce lawyer for assistance with these five legal matters.

1. Property Division

Your ex may want the marital home, but you may feel you're entitled to it. You may also have arguments about other types of personal property, such as jewelry, furniture, cars, and artwork.

A divorce attorney can help you ensure that property and assets are divided fairly in the event of a divorce. This includes stocks bonds, retirement accounts, business interests, real estate properties, and any other type of property that may be in dispute.

2. Alimony and Child Support

You may need to receive alimony payments from your ex-spouse, or you may want to ensure that you are not paying too much child support. In either situation, a divorce attorney can help you protect your financial interests in court. You will likely need to provide bank statements, payment stubs, and other evidence to support your position so your lawyer can defend you in court.

3. Child Custody and Visitation Rights

You and your ex-spouse may both have strong opinions about who should have primary custody of the children. Even if you agree to share custody, you may argue about which school the children should attend or which extracurriculars they join. If you can't come to an agreement on your own, a divorce lawyer can help you negotiate these matters in mediation or a courtroom setting. A lawyer can also help you protect your visitation rights, even if your ex-spouse denies them.

4. Division of Debts

You and your spouse may have joint credit cards or loans in both of your names. If this is the case, a divorce attorney can offer advice on how to divide these debts between the two of you. Your lawyer can also work to ensure that all debts are properly addressed in the divorce settlement.

5. Name Change

If you want to change your name during or after the divorce, a divorce lawyer can help with the paperwork and process required by state law to make it legal. Your lawyer will be familiar with the requirements of each state, so you won't have to worry about mistakes or missed deadlines.

By hiring a divorce lawyer, you can help ensure that your legal matters are handled correctly. This can save you time and reduce stress, so you can move on with your post-separation life as quickly as possible.

Reach out to a local divorce lawyer to learn more.
